中文翻译与英英解释 | 什锦锉,组锉。
| | | needle: n. 1. 针,缝针;编织针。 2.(注射、唱片等的)针 ... | | file: n. 1.锉刀。 2.〔英俚〕滑头。 短语和例子 blo ... | |
例句与用法 | 1. | This is a specialized factory producing all types of diamond tools in different sizes , which are made of high - quality diamond . the products include in diamond needle files , flat files , 江阴市永才金刚石工磨具有限公司位于长江之南,太湖之滨,地处沪宁高速公路中心地带,自古以来就是江南"鱼米之乡" ,条件优越,交通十分便利。
| | 2. | Our products are made of selected excellent diamond , of all kinds and sizes , ready to meet the different requirements from our customers . ourmain products are diamond , cubicborazin , emery wheel , needle files , grinding paste , alloy molds and soon 本公司产品选用优质金刚石精制而成,品种多,规格齐,能满足不同厂商的要求,主要产品有金刚石、立方氮化硼、砂轮、什锦锉、研磨膏、合金模具等。